Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Writing "Alice"

As you all may or may not know (but you probably should), I love to write. And I love the Twilight Saga. These are easily two of my favorite things IN THE WORLD!!!!!! And so I write fan-fiction. Sort of. Well, I don't actually post it anywhere, I just write some of the characters from their point of view. I focus on their stories, on their beginnings, what could have possibly been running though their minds during their last minutes human, what their reactions were upon awakening as a vampire.
I've already written Rosalie's story, which, if any of you have read Eclipse, isn't very pleasant. It begins when she is lying in the cold street, recalling her life, thinking of what once was, could have been, and never could be again. It ends when she looks into the mirror for the first time in her new life, sees her new face, and wonders what she is. Now, I'm taking on the point of view of someone different, and who has always intrigued me as a character...
She doesn't recall any of her human life, and so her story begins when she first wakes up. She can't remember, and she panics. But then she has her visions of Jasper, of the Cullens, and they save her. The future guided her in the right direction, told her which way to go. This is the journey that I want to follow along with Alice, and understand how she goes from waking up to where she winds up in the end.
It's been a lot of fun, so far, to write as Alice. She has an interesting story, and I don't see myself as deciding these things. I feel as though I'm letting Alice come to me, and show me herself what happened. It feels like something that really could be, at least for her, in her world. It doesn't make much sense, I know, but it doesn't have to. In my mind, Alice is telling me her story.

Patty ♥

P.S.- Probably my favorite Alice quote: "How strongly are you opposed to grand theft auto?"

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