Hola, everyone! November is here, and it is a very special, important time! For a lot of pretty obvious reasons..... but I think I'll list them here, anyway. Just 'cuz I can.
If we're going in time order here, the first important and special "November happening" would be on November 11, because that's the day that I get to meet Alex Meraz and Kiowa Gordon! For those of you not in the know, they would be Paul and Embry from the wolf pack in the upcoming Twilight Saga movies. And I get to meet them! And so does Stefanie!
Yesterday, we got up early and drove to a mall a half hour away from where we live. At which point we waited for two and a half hours standing in a line in a crowded, hot, boring parking garage. A ton of Twilight fans were there, waiting! The line was MASSIVE! Some people had even camped out from the night before! Stefanie and I got out of line (our parents saved our spots) and videotaped a poll, asking people, "Are you on Team Edward or Team Jacob? Why?" Doing that was pretty fun. We're going to post the video on our YouTube channel, and I'll try to post it here. We FINALLY got into Hot Topic, and we bought our fabulous New Moon Cast Tour 2009 t-shirts, along with a wristband ensuring us admittance to the Alex/Kiowa appearance! You can see the official tour shirt above.
Another awesome thing that happens in November is my school dance on November 13! The theme is "Dancing in the Moonlight". Isn't that nice? School dances are seriously awesome. I get to see all of my friends, dress up amazingly, and dance until they kick us out. Last time I think I stopped dancing, in about 2 1/2 hours, about 4 times. Once to eat. Another to go to the bathroom. And twice for water. That's it. The rest of the time, I was dancing to my favorite songs with my favorite people in my favorite clothes at my favorite event of the school year. So. Much. Fun.
Finally! And perhaps most obviously! November 20! NEW MOON!!!!!!
This is SO gonna be the movie event of the year! Twilight is, like, my favorite movie EVER, but it sucked. I'm not going to pretend it was a work of genius. But it's still my favorite, if that makes sense. Just because, well, it's Twilight. Logic just isn't logical anymore when you enter this epic franchise. But New Moon looks INCREDIBLE! All the action, and drama, and heartbreak, and suspense- even though we all know how it ends. Still, it's so exciting to have this phenomenon unravel before our eyes!!!!!!
Okay, okay. I think I'm calm now. Hey, would you look at that! All of the best things in November happen within the course of 2 weeks! Luck.... it happens :)
Patty ♥♪♫☼
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